Most viewed - National Bus Company |

FXM 112829 viewsNational Bus Co (112) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" leaves Box Hill on a 291 to Heidelberg.Graeme Bennett collection

FKM 288819 views(288) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" on an outbound 264 to Mitcham is seen turning from Russell St into Collins St.Graeme Bennett collection

FKM 318699 views(358) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" also at the launch.Graeme Bennett collection

National Bus Company667 views(251) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" and Z1 Class tram 27 at North Fitzroy Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 232645 views232 a MAN SL200/Ansair "MKL1" on a 251 service to Northland, is seen turning from Willamstown Rd into Graham St, Port Melbourne.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 179644 views(179) Still in MMTB Livery is MAN SL200/MAN MK1 at Doncaster Shoppingtown.Graeme Bennett collection

FKX 192631 viewsNational Bus Company # 192 M.A.N SL200/Ansair "MK1"

887623 views(887) Volvo B59/Ansair still in MMTB Livery.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 330578 views(282) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" also at the launch.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 154441 viewsSeen at Russell St in the City, is 4 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK1 in 3 different liveries.

FVT 065 and FVT 071435 viewsNational Bus Company Mercedes LO812/Custom Coach mini buses at Parliament House for the launch of these mini buses and improved services.In the longer term this did not prove successful. Graeme Bennett collection.

National Bus Company394 viewsMercedes LO812/Custom Coach mini buses in Swanson St on their way to the launch.Graeme Bennett collection

National Bus Company380 viewsMercedes LO812/Custom Coach mini buses at Mercedes Somerton.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 318354 viewsNational #358 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK2 at Garden City

Two buses254 viewsBox Hill 1990s, a Quinces Mercedes O405/PMC and a National Bus MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2". Graeme Bennett Collection

FXM 326248 viewsNatioanal Bus #277 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 at Northland

FXM 361244 views

FXM 143238 viewsNational Bus Company #143 MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" at Doncaster depot.

FXM 353221 viewsNational Bus Company #241 MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" at Doncaster depot.

IUG891212 viewsNational Bus Company #891 Volvo B59/Ansair at Doncaster depot.