Bus Australia Photo Gallery

Image search results - "punchbowlbus"
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1549 MO670 viewsPBC Goulburn Scania K280IB/Higer A30 new in August 2012. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub
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1549 MO674 viewsPBC Goulburn Scania K280IB/Higer A30 new in August 2012. The paint scheme was applied by Coachworks Brisbane after arriving in Brisbane ex.China. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub
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1549 MO536 viewsPBC Goulburn Scania K280IB/Higer A30 new in August 2012. The paint scheme was applied by Coachworks Brisbane after arriving in Brisbane ex.China. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub
m/o 1971734 viewsVoyager Coaches Leyland Leopard PSU3E/2R/PMC seen departing the Randwick races. It was ex Mosman Coaches m/o 197; ex Tezza & Co, Port Botany u/r; ex Connex (38) m/o 708; ex Crossley Bus Lines, Revesby m/o 708; ex m/o 8843; ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 4559. Deregd 27/11/07.
XQ 15 SQ and m/o 8090195 viewsOn trial with Punchbowl Bus Co was this Custom Element electric bus in July 2021, operating on route 940. Seen here in Cross St, Hurstville passing m/o 8090 Scania K320UB/Custom Endeavour. the next newest bus in the fleet. Archeus2 photo.
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2818 MO720 viewsPBC Goulburn (2) Hino RG197K/PMCA “160” ex MO 2018; ex Bowman's Coaches (Mojeto Pty Ltd), Goulburn (2) MO 2018, togther with two withdrawn Punchbowl Bus Co units – the one on the left ex Hino RG197K/Custom Coaches MK82 ex m/o 9024, ex Harris Park Transport m/o 8532, Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub. 2818 was deregd 2/2013.
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2832 MO655 viewsPBC Goulburn (5) Hyundai Cosmos Aero III/P&D ex MJ Noack, Goulburn 2832 MO with Marulan district runs 19/10/09; ex AD58DH. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
XQ 15 SQ156 viewsOn trial with Punchbowl Bus Co was this Custom Denning Element in July 2021. Showing rear end view in this photo. Archeus2 photo.
XQ 15 SQ162 viewsOn trial with Punchbowl Bus Co was this Custom Denning Element in July 2021. Seen here in the Hurstville Westfield Interchange. Arceus2 photo
m/o 4142986 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Hino RM197K/PMCA "Commuter" on rail duties at Belmore.
XQ 15 SQ151 viewsOn trial with Punchbowl Bus Co was this Custom Denning Element in July 2021. Seen here in Dora Street, Hursyviile before exiting Hutstville tpwards Bankstown on route 940. Arceus2 photo
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m/o 5796570 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Hino RM197K/PMCA Commuter in Narwee on its first outing after a repaint. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub. Withdrawn and stored 22/5/17.
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m/o 5796558 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Hino RM197K/PMCA Commuter in Narwee on its first outing after a repaint. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub. Withdrawn and stored 22/5/17.
5831 MO960 viewsPBC Goulburn Scania K230UB/Volgren "CR228L". Delivered 3/09 ex Demonstrator (NSW) AT15VR.
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m/o 656487 viewsPunchbowl Bus & Coach Co Mercedes-Benz 0302/PMC ex LSP 780, taken at Forster in 1977. It was one of three such coaches acquired on m/o plates which were not reused after the coaches were reregd to other plates – others were m/o 143 and m/o 4034. This one became PB 2718 and then TV 813.
1585 MO349 viewsPBC Goulburn (9) Fuso Rosa /Fuso ex MJ Noack, Goulburn 1585 MO with Marulan district runs 19/10/09. Since repainted into Punchbowl colours. Seen here in the shed at Marulan on 16/09/2013.
2828 MO463 viewsPBC Goulburn Volvo B7R/P&D ex MO 6515; ex Bowman's Coaches (Mojeto Pty Ltd), Goulburn MO 6515, at Goulburn 10/6/2015.
7084 MO1291 viewsPBC Goulburn Iveco Delta/Custom Coaches SB50 in Goulburn 26/2/2015. It was displayed at the 2011 Sydney Bus Show, Rosehill Racecourse and purchased at the 2011 BIC auction.
7517 MO474 viewsPBC Goulburn Scania K280IB/Higer A30 in Goulburn 26/2/2015.
m/o 693791 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co, Riverwood Scania L113CRL/Austral Pacific at Sydney Olympic Park for the Royal Easter Show.

m/o 9024980 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co, Riverwood Volvo B7RLE/Custom Coaches "CB80" in Transport NSW livery, at Sydney Olympic Park for the Royal Easter Show.

TV 813 613 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co, Riverwood MAN 22.362/PMC “Apollo” displayed at the 1994 Bus & Coach Show, Warwick Farm, at Sydney Olympic Park for the 2012 Royal Easter Show. Stored from 8/12 and sold 3/10/12.

m/o 662461 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Volvo B7RLE/Custom Coaches "CB60 Evo II" at Strathfield 24/5/2015.
m/o 8707408 viewsCitybus Direct (Harris Park Transport) Hino RG197K/Custom Coaches in 2002. Sold to Punchbowl Bus Co Pty Ltd, Riverwood as m/o 9027 6/05.
m/o 8713503 viewsMosman Coaches Leyland Leopard PSU3C/2R/PMC ex Westway, Bankstown Airport m/o 8081, ex Crossley Bus Lines; ex Punchbowl, ex m/o 4199. Stored in B Collins Mechanics, Windsor and advertised for sale through Stan Biega 09/07.
m/o 7671511 viewsPremier Illawarra Leyland Tiger/PMC ex Pleasure Tours of Australia, Lidcombe m/o 7671 7/05; ex Punchbowl Bus Co Pty Ltd, Riverwood m/o 4567, seen in 2006. Transferred to Nowra by 3/13 & deregd.
m/o 6415728 viewsPremier Illawarra Leyland Tiger/PMC ex Pleasure Tours of Australia, Lidcombe m/o 8216 7/05; ex Punchbowl Bus Co Pty Ltd, Riverwood m/o 7658, seen in 2006. Sold for non-PSV at Taree 12/12.
m/o 4851844 viewsBlue and White Buses, Greenacre AEC Reliance/Symonds and Fowler, ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 5409, ex Fairfield, Moonee Ponds, ex Reid, Northcote.
m/o 4851358 viewsBlue and White Buses, Greenacre AEC Reliance/Symonds and Fowler, ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 5409, ex Fairfield, Moonee Ponds, ex Reid, Northcote.
MO 2198615 viewsBowmans Coaches, Goulburn (10) MO 2198 Hino RG197 / PMC160 which was included in the takeover by PBC Goulburn and since reregd 2819 MO. Since transferred to Punchbowl Bus Co as m/o 9131.
MO 3013723 viewsBowmans Coaches, Goulburn (17) MO 3013 Hino RG197 / PMC 'XL'. Has since become 2823 MO with PBC Goulburn.
MO 3197575 viewsBowmans Goulburn (6) MO 3197 Hino RG197 / PMC160 Mk II. Since the takeover by PBC Goulburn it has been reregd 2824 MO
MO 4314651 viewsBowmans Goulburn MO 4314 Hino RG230 / PMCSA. Since the takeover by PBC Goulburn it has been reregd 2825 MO.
m/o 9109770 viewsMaianbar Bundeena Bus Service Hino RG197K/PMC Commuter ex Punchbowl Bus Co where it had recently been reregd from m/o 5038. It is seen here behind the gates at the Bundeena yard.
m/o 3681140 viewsCanterbury Bus Lines Hino RG197K/Custom Coaches "210" ex m/o 8925 which went to Punchbowl Bus Co as m/o 368. On the other hand the bus next to it, m/o 8837 is an ex Punchbowl Bus Co Leyland Leopard.
m/o 018925 viewsCanterbury Bus Lines Hino RG197K/Custom Coaches "210" ex m/o 8990 which went to Punchbowl Bus Co as m/o 018.
m/o 8837927 viewsLeyland Leopard/CC ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 164. This bus which had very heavy steering, only operated for Canterbury Bus Lines in the last few years of its existence and subsequently operated with Pleasure Tours.
u/r697 viewsCoffs Harbour Bus Lines (Willingtons) Leyland Royal Tiger/Patgay above waistline rebody of an MBA body, ex Punchbowl Bus Co, ex Narwee Bus Co.
MO 430825 viewsCoffs Harbour Bus Lines (Willingtons) AEC Reliance 470/Comeng ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 143 ex ACTION Canberra. Brings back memories to see a bus passing an Esso service station with original NRMA logo.
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MO 4688331 viewsCoffs Harbour Bus Lines Foden/Comeng ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 525.
MO 3410742 viewsCoffs Harbour Bus Lines (Widdletons) Foden/MBA ex Punchbowl Bus Co m/o 4249. It was originally a decker which was rebodied. It had been with Raynard's, LIverpool and also Robert's Brisbane Water Coaches before going to PBC

m/o 6964110 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Scania K320UB/Custom Coaches CB80 at Chippendale on rail 22/1/2023.
7084 MO652 viewsPBC Goulburn Iveco Delta/Custom Coaches SB50 at Goulburn 7/12.
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m/o 9023430 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Hino RG197K/Custom Coaches ex Harris Park Transport m/o 8530 6/05, at Roselands 12/12. Withdrawn 16/10/2014 with plates going to a new Scania/CB80.
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m/o 9023466 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Hino RG197K/Custom Coaches ex Harris Park Transport m/o 8530 6/05, at Roselands 12/12. Withdrawn 16/10/2014 with plates going to a new Scania/CB80.
m/o 5038529 viewsPuncbowl Bus Co Volvo B7R/Custom Coaches SB400 at Roselands 4/13 on Easter Show duties. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
m/o 5437625 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Volvo B7RLE/Custom Coaches "CB80"in TNSW livery at Roselands 4/13 on Easter Show duties. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
m/o 7841631 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Scania L94UB/Custom Coaches "CB60" now in TNSW livery at Roselands 4/13 on Easter Show duties. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
2828 MO597 viewsPBC Goulburn Volvo B7R/P&D ex MO 6515. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
2822 MO550 viewsRear shot of PBC Goulburn (20) Hino RG230/Austral Pacific ex MO 2665; ex Bowman's Coaches (Mojeto Pty Ltd), Goulburn (20) MO 2665 1/11/08. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
2838 MO547 viewsPBC Goulburn (21) Volvo B7R/P&D ex MO 5696; ex Bowman's Coaches (Mojeto Pty Ltd), Goulburn (21) MO 5696 1/11/08. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
7084 MO555 viewsPBC Goulburn Iveco Delta/Custom Coaches “SB50” ex Stock; Displayed at the 2011 Sydney Bus Show, Rosehill Racecourse and purchased at the 2011 BIC auction. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
2822 MO658 viewsPBC Goulburn (20) Hino RG230/Austral Pacific ex MO 2665; ex Bowman's Coaches (Mojeto Pty Ltd), Goulburn (20) MO 2665 1/11/08. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
2836 MO561 viewsPBC Goulburn (8) Hino RG230/P&D ex MO 2665; ex MO 4799; ex Bowman's Coaches (Mojeto Pty Ltd), Goulburn (8) MO 4799 1/11/08. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
1549 MO485 viewsPBC Goulburn (17) Scania A30/Higer. Photo by Punchbowl Tiger Cub.
m/o 7028510 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Scania L94IB/Custom Coaches “510” in TNSW livery at Hurstville 12/13.
m/o 693601 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Scania L113CRL/Austral Pacific at Hurstville 12/13 in TNSW livery.
m/o 4344577 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Scania L113CRL/Austral Pacific in TNSW livery at Sydenham 12/13.
m/o 014522 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co MAN 10.155/PMC in Hurstville Grove 1/14 recently repainted into TNSW livery.
m/o 007533 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co MAN 10.155/PMC in Hurstville Grove 1/14 recently repainted into TNSW livery.
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