Image search results - "graemebphoto" |

FVT 065 and FVT 071435 viewsNational Bus Company Mercedes LO812/Custom Coach mini buses at Parliament House for the launch of these mini buses and improved services.In the longer term this did not prove successful. Graeme Bennett collection.

FXM 361244 views

MMTB550 viewsClifton Hill Depot with withdrawn AEC MK 3's and AEC MK 4's Mk 3 531 is in the forground.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 353221 viewsNational Bus Company #241 MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" at Doncaster depot.

Two buses254 viewsBox Hill 1990s, a Quinces Mercedes O405/PMC and a National Bus MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2". Graeme Bennett Collection

FXM 232645 views232 a MAN SL200/Ansair "MKL1" on a 251 service to Northland, is seen turning from Willamstown Rd into Graham St, Port Melbourne.Graeme Bennett collection

Leyland Nationals467 viewsWithdrawn Leyland Nationals at Spotswood railway yard awaiting disposal.Graeme Bennett collection

MYZ 344391 viewsMazda T3500 (9) at Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett Collection

MetBus476 viewsMetBus Volvo B59/Ansair at Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MWE 349445 viewsMETBUS # 349 MAN SL200/ Ansair "MK2" at Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MWE 100485 viewsMMTB MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" MWE 100 #100 when brand new at Doncaster Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MWE331314 viewsMetbus #331 M.A.N SL200/Ansair "MK2" turning from Dudley St into Footscray Rd on a 220 service to Sunshine. Graeme Bennett Collection

MYD 231323 viewsThe MET #231 MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" at Mitcham Station.Graeme Bennett collection.

MWE 347288 viewsMetbus #347 at Footscray Depot. Graeme Bennett collection

MWE 347297 viewsMetbus #347 at Footscray Depot. Graeme Bennett collection

IUG 897424 viewsVolvo B59/Ansair #897 at Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

IUG 897432 viewsVolvo B59/Ansair #897 at Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MetBus437 viewsVolvo B59/Ansair at Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MYD 196363 viewsMAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" MYD196 #196 at Hawthorn Tram Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MetBus435 viewsMetBus Volvo B59/Ansair's storted at back of Footscray Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

MetBus463 viewsMetBus MAN SL200/ Ansair "MK2" and Volvo B59/Ansair.Graeme Bennett collection

MWE 315426 viewsMetBus 315 at Queen Vic Market ready to depart to North Altona.Graeme Bennett collection

MetBus557 viewsMAN SL200/ Ansair "MK2"s at back of Sandringham Depot in mid 1990s.Graeme Bennett collection

BTZ 500190 viewsEldred, Leongatha BTZ500 at Spencer St Station, awaiting it's next V/line run. Graeme Bennett Collection

National Bus Company380 viewsMercedes LO812/Custom Coach mini buses at Mercedes Somerton.Graeme Bennett collection

National Bus Company394 viewsMercedes LO812/Custom Coach mini buses in Swanson St on their way to the launch.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 330578 views(282) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" also at the launch.Graeme Bennett collection

FKM 318699 views(358) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" also at the launch.Graeme Bennett collection

National Bus Company667 views(251) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" and Z1 Class tram 27 at North Fitzroy Depot.Graeme Bennett collection

887623 views(887) Volvo B59/Ansair still in MMTB Livery.Graeme Bennett collection

FKM 288819 views(288) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" on an outbound 264 to Mitcham is seen turning from Russell St into Collins St.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 179644 views(179) Still in MMTB Livery is MAN SL200/MAN MK1 at Doncaster Shoppingtown.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 112829 viewsNational Bus Co (112) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK1" leaves Box Hill on a 291 to Heidelberg.Graeme Bennett collection

0306 AO266 viewsEx Melbourne Bus Link M.A.N SL00/Ansair MK2s on their way to Hendo's, Ayr, Qld in 2005. Graeme Bennett Collection

Leyland Leopards 363 viewsEx Sydney Leyland Leopards at the auction yard. These were the 20 used for short term from Doncaster depot.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 314454 viewsThe next day after this photo was taken by driver G.Bennett this bus would be part of the National Bus Fleet and transport history in Victoria would have entered another phase.Graeme Bennett collection

FXM 314429 viewsOn the last wet and rainy day of government bus operation of North Fitzroy and Doncaster Depots. MAN SL200/ Ansair "MK1" 234 is ready for the return trip to the City, Driver was G.Bennett. Graeme Bennett collection

The MET512 viewsNorth Fitzroy depot with nothing but Volvos in view.Graeme Bennett collection