
2383 AO373 viewsSita Bus Lines (83) 2383 AO Volvo B10B/Volgren is seen laying over in the back streets of Seddon.

4277 AO567 viewsDysons 122 (4277 AO) Scania K113TR/Austral Denning "Majestic" at Traralgon Station laying over between runs.

Latrobe Valley Bus Lines Hino's387 viewsHere we see 3 Latrobe Valley bus lines Hino RK176K/Custom Coaches

Ivanhoe Buses514 viewsHere we see Ivanhoe Bus Company (8) 2808 AO and (18) 2818 AO, both Iveco Metro 17.215/Volgren "CR228L" and (7) 2807 AO, an Irisbus Metro 17.215/Volgren "CR221L"

2689 AO651 viewsVentura Bus lines (105) 2689 AO Scania K93CR/Volgren "SC221" is seen at Croydon depot during a BCSV tour in 2011

1663 AO790 viewsVentura Bus Lines (303) 1663 AO Mercedes Benz O405/PMC, is seen at Croydon Depot on a BCSV tour still in National Bus Co livery.

5566 AO659 viewsVentura Bus Lines (872) 5566 AO Scania L94UB/Custom Coaches "CB60 C-Max" seen at Croydon Depot during a BCSV tour in 2011

2681 AO693 viewsVentura Bus Lines (823) 2681 AO Scaina L113CRL/Volgren "CR221L"

1163 AO702 viewsVentura Group (264) 1163 AO MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" is seen at Croydon Depot during an BCSV tour in 2011.

2692 AO862 viewsVentura Coaches (100) 2692 AO Denning - GM/Denning "Landseer" at the Croydon Depot.

3614 AO407 viewsU.S Bus Lines (14) 3614 AO Volvo B10M MKII/Volgren.
This bus is used mostly for school runs/charter.

3636 AO441 viewsHere we see U.S Bus Lines (36) 3636 AO Scania L113CRL/Volgren "CR221L"

8220 AO411 viewsMelbourne Bus Link Toyota Coaster

6983 AO434 viewsDysons (473) 6983 AO Scania K420EB/Irizar "Century" is seen at Melbourne Bus Link Footscray Depot in between V/Line runs.

6289 AO633 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (89) 6289 AO Iveco Metro C260/Volgren "CR228L"

3864 AO355 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (64) 3864 AO Mercedes Benz O500LE/Volgren "CR228L" seen at Morwell depot. This bus is used mostly on intertowns runs.

6285 AO645 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (85) 6285 AO Iveco Metro C260/Custom Coaches "CB60"

3856 AO650 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (56) 3856 AO Hino RK250/ABM "Starliner 3"

3864 AO571 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (64) 3864 AO Mercedes Benz O.500LE/Volgren "CR228L", is seen at the Morwell depot.

3848 AO542 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (48) 3848 AO Hino RK176K/Custom Coaches, is seen at the Morwell depot.

3836 AO540 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (36) 3836 AO Mercedes Benz OH1421L/Custom Coaches, is seen at the Traralgon depot.

Latrobe Valley562 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines Iveco Metro C260/Custom Coaches "CB60"

3864 AO586 viewsLatrobe Valley Bus Lines (64) 3864 AO Mercedes Benz O.500LE/Volgren "CR228L",

MAN SL200695 viewsMAN SL200/Ansair MK1 at Fishermans Bend on last day of Government bus operation of North Fitzroy & Doncaster depots.

0353 AO494 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (353) 0353 AO at Sandringham Station(The Bus is in AOA Streets "Paddle Pop")

0331 AO742 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (331) MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2S"

0347 AO735 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (347) 0347 AO MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2" seen here at Footscray Depot

0352 AO559 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L" seen at Sandringham Depot.This bus is in AOA for Industrie.

BCI Hybrid Low Floor at Melbourne Bus Link778 viewsMelbourne Bus Link have a BCI Hybrid Low Floor at on loan.
It has not been used on route service, and will most likely not get used in route service.

BCI Hybrid Low Floor at Melbourne Bus Link947 viewsMelbourne Bus Link have a BCI Hybrid Low Floor at on loan.
It has not been used on route service, and we'll most likely not get used in route service.

BCI Hybrid Low Floor at Melbourne Bus Link725 viewsMelbourne Bus Link have a BCI Hybrid Low Floor at on loan.
It has not been used on route service, and we'll most likely not get used in route service.

BCI Hybrid Low Floor at Melbourne Bus Link698 viewsMelbourne Bus Link have a BCI Hybrid Low Floor at on loan.
It has not been used on route service, and we'll most likely not get used in route service.

XCR 325649 viewsMelbourne Bus Link have a BCI Hybrid Low Floor on loan.
It has not been used on route service, and will most likely not get used in route service.

0769 AO533 viewsDysons (311) Scania K124EB /Austral Pacific "Majestic" is seen at Melbourne Bus Link Footscray Depot in between V/Line runs.

0769 AO485 viewsDysons (311) 0769 AO Scania K124EB /Austral Pacific "Majestic" is seen at Melbourne Bus Link Footscray Depot in between V/Line runs.

0352 AO440 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) Scania L4UB/Volgren CR222L, is seen at Footscray depot in AOA for SNAP (Business Printing, Design & Marketing Services)

0352 AO452 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) Scania L94UB/Volgren CR222L, is seen at Footscray depot in AOA for SNAP(Business Printing, Design & Marketing Services)

0352 AO420 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) 0352 AO Scania L94UB/Volgren CR222L, is seen at Footscray depot in AOA for SNAP(Business Printing, Design & Marketing Services). It was sold to Torrens Transit.

0352 AO422 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) 0352 AO Scanua L94UB/Volgren CR222L, is seen at Footscray depot in AOA for SNAP (Business Printing, Design & Marketing Services). It was sold to Torrens Transit,

0352 AO452 viewsMelbourne Bus Link (352) Scania L94UB/Volgren CR222L, is seen at Footscray depot in AOA for SNAP(Business Printing, Design & Marketing Services). It was sold to Torrens Transit.

0332 AO634 viewsMelbourne bus link 332 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 ex OVO369 about to commence a 232 to North Altona

0336 AO672 viewsMelbourne bus link (336) 0336 AO MAN SL200/Ansair "MK2", at Footscray Depot, awaiting to be Sold.

0343 AO606 views(343) Melbourne Bus Link MAN SL200/Ansair MK2 about to commence a School run, before doing a 232 to North Altona

5567 AO549 viewsMee's Bus Lines (72) 5567 AO Scania K124EB/Autobus seen on a Charter to the race at Flemington on Melbourne Cup day 2010

MWE 300337 viewsMetbus Line up at Footscray Depot

MYD 139403 viewsMAN SL200/Ansair "MK 1" 139 and AEC MK 3 Bobtail 347 in Footscray depot.

MWE 225400 viewsMetbus #225 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK1 at Footscray Depot, having been just repainted into Metbus livery

MWE315416 viewsMetbus #315 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK2 at Spencer Street Station in mid 1990s

MWE 349375 viewsMetbus #349 at Altona North Bus Interchange

MWE 349361 viewsMetbus #349 at Altona North Bus Interchange.

Leyland National's601 viewsLeyland National's at North Fitzroy Depot before entering service.

0296 AO666 viewsMelbourne Bus Link 296 MAN SL200/Ansair MK2, Laying over between duties at Footscray Depot, this bus is now Withdrawn.

0353 AO652 viewsMelbourne Buslink (353) Scania L94UB/Volgren "CR222L" seen in advertising livery for Victoria University

3166 AO334 viewsReservoir Bus Company (18) 3166 AO VolvoB10M MKIII/Newnham await to commence a school in Melbourne northern Suburbs.

7010 AO416 viewsBacchus Marsh Coaches (10) 7010 AO Mercedes Benz OH1725/Custom Coaches "SB40" seen on charter at Scienceworks.

Leyland Leopard's610 viewsLeyland Leopard's ex Sydney at Clifton Hill Yard, before enter service at Doncaster Depot.

0710 AO472 viewsSeymour Passenger Service (10) 0710 AO Mercedes Benz OH1830LE/Express seen on a charter to Melbourne Cup in 2010.

2386 AO507 viewsSita Bus Lines (86) 2386 AO Volvo B10B/Volgren, is seen at Sita depot in West Footscray

Elwood Depot595 views#947 Volvo B59/Ansair and #205 M.A.N SL200/Ansair MK1 at Elwood depot.

5964 AO417 viewsWestrans Sunshine (104) 5964 AO Volvo B12BLE/Volgren "CR228L" seen at Sunshine waiting to commence a 410 trip to Footscray.