Bus Australia Photo Gallery

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Bus Company GalleriesDetails and photos of the different types of buses in service with Australian bus operators.
43 668
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18,681 files in 310 albums and 8 categories with 30 comments viewed 7,434,279 times

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BundabergDenningPheonixGoldBCT003QueensParkToowoomba16 09 2017.JPG
BCT 003300 viewsBundaberg Coaches Denning Manufacturing - Cummins ISM /Denning Manufacturing "Phoenix Gold" at Queens Park Toowoomba 16 Sept 2017. First reg 26/7/17.
m/o 5436666 viewsPunchbowl Bus Co Volvo B7RLE/Custom Coaches CB60 in Transport NSW livery on rail duties at Granville.
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m/o 4444256 viewsMetrolink (3) Leyland Worldmaster CRT2/1/Austral Rebody ex m/o 5026 - Rebody ex STA Adelaide 930, 14 May 2008.
m/o 5489356 viewsNewcastle Transport (3413) the only BCI Proma LF/BCI in the fleet before being repainted into TNSW livery November 2017. ScaniaGrenda photo.
2059 ST234 views2059 ST Newcastle Bus Volvo B12BLE Euro 5/Custom Coaches CB60 in Newcastle shuttle livery 27/4/2011, now back in standard livery since the shuttle ceased.
img588 - former PTC Sydney Leyland Leopard Mk1 @ Strathalbyn SA c_21Sep04.jpg
Ex m/o 3624286 viewsEx DGT (3624) Leyland Leopard/PMC Mk1 at Strathalbyn SA c 21 Sep 2004.

Last additions
F37 QV319 viewsMcDermott’s Coaches, Legana (58) Volvo B11R/Coach Design at Exeter 18/4/2021.May 12, 2023
Unregd233 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (16) Bedford VA53/Ansait Coachette at CampbelTown 17/4/2021. Donated by Maxwells Coaches, Wilmot, TAS., ex Brien's Comfort Coaches, VICMay 12, 2023
Unregd226 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (42) Scania K93CR/Northcoast at CampbelTown 17/4/2021. Donated by Seabourne Coaches, Sorell, TAS. ex FO 9986, ex (2) CQ 4846, Metropolitan Transport Trust (MTT), Hobart, TAS., ex (41) CQ 4846, Hobart Coaches, Kingston, TAS.May 12, 2023
VC 1978195 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (32) Volvo B58/PMCSA at CampbelTown 17/4/2021. Vehicle donated by the Wells family, ex D 39 VE, ex BA 9322, Wells Waggons, Smithton, TAS, ex BA 9322, Medwin's Coaches, Smithton, TAS, ex BA 9322, Smith's Coaches, South Riana, TAS.May 11, 2023
VC 1978217 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (32) Volvo B58/PMCSA at CampbelTown 17/4/2021. Vehicle donated by the Wells family, ex D 39 VE, ex BA 9322, Wells Waggons, Smithton, TAS, ex BA 9322, Medwin's Coaches, Smithton, TAS, ex BA 9322, Smith's Coaches, South Riana, TAS.May 11, 2023
VC 1978163 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (32) Volvo B58/PMCSA at CampbelTown 17/4/2021. Vehicle donated by the Wells family, ex D 39 VE, ex BA 9322, Wells Waggons, Smithton, TAS, ex BA 9322, Medwin's Coaches, Smithton, TAS, ex BA 9322, Smith's Coaches, South Riana, TAS.May 11, 2023
VC 2432206 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (38) Scania K113CR/Northcoast at Launceston 17/4/2021. Donated by Warrigal Charters, ex (21) TV 987, TV 4069, Warrigal Charters, Mount Warrigal, NSW., ex (3) CO 4655, Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd, Moonah, TAS, ex (3) CO 4655, Metro Tasmania Pty Ltd t/a Hobart Coaches, Moonah..ex (38) CO 4655, Hobart Coaches Pty Ltd, Margate, TAS.May 11, 2023
VC 2433237 viewsTasmanian Bus & Coach Society (13) Mercedes OH1316/Ansair Tasmania at Campbelltown 18/4/2021. Donated by Crawn Motors ex EP 1838, ex (360) MET 360, GV 4864, Metropolitan Transport Trust (MTT), Hobart, TAS.May 10, 2023