Sid Fogg's Coachlines - Fullerton Cove

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Sid Fogg's Coachlines - Fullerton Cove.

Withdrawn Vehicles   Full Fleet List   Operator Information   Advertising Fleet

Bus # Rego # Chassis VIN Body Body # Body DateSeatingLivery
Previously operated vehicles
1TV 454 Austral HD1 GM 8v928003 Austral 1535 6/89C48FT
ex Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland (?) TV 454 by 3/94 - Featured at the Bus & Coach Show, Warwick Farm when new.
Sold to Fantastic Aussie Tours (Golden West Holdings Pty Ltd), Katoomba as (454) TV 454; Subsequent disposal unknown.
1TV 2378 Scania K113TRB 8x2 14.5mYS4KT8X2B01829402 Austral Pacific Majestic M042010 7/98C65FT
Sold to Premier Motor Service (Nowra Coaches Pty Ltd), South Nowra as (777) BUS 777 approx 1/03; then to Surf City Coaches, Southport, QLD as (43) 350 IRJ; reacquired by Nowra Coaches Pty Ltd with their acquisition of Surf City & later transferred to Premier Motor Service; Rereg (NSW) TV 6125 29/6/11.
1TV 3370 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WEB61823821099620 Coach Design 308 12/02C50DT
ex (SA) WVA 709 (sa).
Sold to Rover Motors Pty Ltd, Cessnock as TV 3370 12/4/06, then Kingstar Tour Services, Bankstown as TV 3370 -/10.
1TV 4436 BCI JXK6137 14.5mLSFC330808C005214 BCI Explorer - 2/4/08C57FT
Reg 1/8/08.
Sold to Dimitry Ostrovsky t/as Sydney Transport Group, Waterloo as TV 9549 by 2/18.
2m/o 5083 Austral DC122B425 Austral Tourmaster 1299 2/87C46FT
ex Deluxe Coachlines Pty Ltd, Wangaratta, VIC (118) TC 771 (WA).
Traded to Scania & sold to LBJ Tours (Tory), Wollongong as MO 3098; then to Mudgee for resale.
2m/o 5083 Denning Denair GM 6v92tDA820-504-81 Denning 820 2/81RC53F
ex TV 671.
Sold to Blunt's Coaches (Byview Pty Ltd), Casino as MO 1520; Traded to Cardiff Hino (dealer) -/00 & Resold to Arandale, Glen Innes, then without use to Pam & Des Winter, Cooroy, QLD, 12/11/01 via Barrie Watt (dealer).
3m/o 7556 Denning Landseer 6v92ttaDL1159-843-86 Denning 1159 6/86C50FT
Sold to Golden Wattle Travel Services Pty Ltd, Sydney as TV 4827 by 2006; Rego cancelled by 24/10/07 & Sold for a motorhome.
3TV 3450 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WEB61823221088905 Coach Design 159 7/99C46DT
ex SA plates ?; ex TV 2941; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (3) TV 2941 3/01; ex (SA) WHY 789.
3TV 5472 BCI JXK6127ATLSFC130898C005282 BCI - -/08C57F
Reg 15/9/08.
Sold to G Sloan t/a FNQ Bus Lines Pty Ltd, Mossman, QLD as (7) 007 FNQ by 14/9/13.
4TV 1164 Austral MD1 GM8011 Austral 1648 1/91C48FT
Sold to GP & SW Wilson t/a Wilson's Coach Service, Oatlands, TAS as EP 9669 -/02; For sale 8/15.
4TV 3277 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WEB61823821088780 Coach Design 162 9/99C46DT
ex (SA) WHY 912; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (4) WHY 912.
Sold to Golden Wattle Travel Pty Ltd, Sydney as TV 3277 by 3/06, then UTIK Holdings Pty Ltd, Sydney as TV 3277 by 1/10, renumbered TV 8110 11/14. Sold to Globo Hydro Power Australia Pty Ltd t/a Sydney Bus Group, Strathfield South as TV 8110 by 1/19; Dereg 6/4/20.
4TV 5421 Scania K420EBYS2K6X20001861215 Irizar Century 3700 231122 9/08C62FT
First reg 24/2/09 - compliance plate 2/09.
Sold to Detours Coaches, Bohle, QLD as 827 YAB by 7/18.
5m/o 5085 MCA - Cummins L103-88-34 Austral 1220 6/86C53F
New for Newcastle - Stockton route.
Sold to Port Stephens Buses Pty Ltd, Anna Bay as m/o 5085 early-1989; then to Stonestreet's Coaches, Toowoomba, QLD as (22) 185 CJJ 3/94, rereg 762 GXU; then to MR & CA Hearn, Roma as 762 GXU; then to B & C Giles t/a Hinter-Coast Transport, Edmund as 762 GXU; For sale 2/16.
5m/o 7812 MCA - GM 6v92tta118790 MCA B026 3/88C48FT
ex Sunstate Day Tours, Milton, QLD (7) 477 ADD by mid-1994.
Traded to Scania & sold to Blunt's Coaches (Byview Pty Ltd), Casino as TV 2506; then to Blunt's Coaches / Northland Coach & Travel (Northlander Pty Ltd), Grafton as TV 2506; then to Hillcrest Christian College, Reedy Creek, QLD as 493 GZV by 9/4/03.
5TV 2314 Scania K113TRB 13.5mYS4KT6X2B01830093 Austral Pacific Majestic M0500010 8/98C53FTB
Traded to Scania & Sold to LV & AJ Makeham, Nangus as (10) TV 2314 4/03; then to Paradise Coaches, Gracemere, QLD as 902 LLU by 7/09; then to Glenorie Coaches Pty Ltd, Dural via Tomkins Valuers & Auctioneers 11/12/13 & Reg TV 7559 12/2/14, converted to C61F & renumbered TV 7565 25/8/14.
5TV 3369 Scania K124EBYS4K6X20001840753 Coach Design 310 1/03C53FT
ex (SA) WVA 162.
Sold to Palmer's Coaches, Miles, QLD 6/14 & rereg (QLD) 844 VER c11/14.
5TV 3386 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WEB61823821088902 Coach Design 165 9/99C46DT
ex TV 2942; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (5) WPK 577 (SA); ex WIF 782 (SA).
Sold to Roadcoach (Kmet Transport Services Pty Ltd), Moss CVale as TV 3386 -/06, then Veolia Transport, Bunbury, WA as TC 6542.
6m/o 626 Denflex - GM 6v92DSC010-80 PMC 1180 2/81C53F
ex m/o 5399.
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland as (88) m/o 626 21/12/93 & later renumbered m/o 3532; Subsequent disposal unknown.
6m/o 5086 MCA - Cummins L1018632 Austral Starliner 1213 6/86C53F
Sold to Maryborough - Hervey Bay Coaches (later named Wide Bay Transit), Maryborough, QLD as 799 AJP -/90, then 275 GAS, then (217) 816 MVD; Resold for a motorhome. Noted for sale with accident damage at Pickles Auctions, Acacia Ridge, QLD 6/21.
6MO 1927 Austral Allstar6F9R3GJ20ND001006 Austral 1666 4/92C53F
Sold to Rysons Coaches Pty Ltd, Gisborne, VIC as NDB 683 by 1996, then 0996 AO; then to Terinfield Pty Ltd t/a Bayswater Bus & Coach, Bayswater as 0996 AO; then to Calow's Coaches, St Helens, TAS as (93) FD 7711; then to Sydney Real Estate Pty Ltd t/a Plan B Transport, Ramsgate, NSW 12/9/19 & reg TV 1348 21/9/19; Rego expired 20/3/20 & sold for a motorjome.
7m/o 5080 MCA - Cummins L1068639 Austral Starliner 1241 8/86C53F
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 8806 early-1994; then to KJ Rieck t/a Range Charter Services, Crows Nest, QLD as 269 DQK; Subsequent disposal unknown.
7TV 969 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WDB61823821078006 Austral Denning CM01180 8/95C50FT
Sold to MIA Passenger Express Pty Ltd, Griffith as TV 969 by 2/06, renumbered 1324 MO by 1/16; Rego expired 14/9/17 & Sold.
7TV 1539 Austral DC122B477 Austral Tourmaster 1414 3/88C44FT
ex Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland (?) TV 1539 by 3/94; ex Singleton Bus Service, Singleton TV 1539 1/3/92; ex Deluxe Coachlines Pty Ltd, Wangaratta, VIC (161) m/o 147 (NT).
Sold to True Blue Coaches, Berala; Subsequent disposal unknown.
7TV 5155 Mercedes-Benz O500RF-3WEB63440121000006 Irizar Century 231201 12/08C52FTL
Displayed at 2009 BAV Maintenance Conference, Moonee Valley Racecourse VIC.
Sold to SB Coaches Pty Ltd t/as Simes Bros Coaches, Lismore as TV 5155 13/5/17; Withdrawn after sustaining flood damage 3/22. Sold via auction to private buyer, McGraths Hill for parts by 2/23.
8m/o 7244 MCA - Cummins L1068640 Austral Starliner 1250 9/86C53F
Sold to Capricorn Coast Coaches (Reddiex), Yeppoon, QLD as 473 AKL; then to Austen's Bus Service, Grafton, NSW as MO 2609; then to AP & JP King Bros Bus Service Pty Ltd as (273) MO 2609; then to Steve's Minibus & Tours (S Golding), Fairfield as TV 3574; then to G & S Minibus Pty Ltd, Bringelly as TV 3574; Written off after an accident at Kangaroo Valley 15/5/10.
8m/o 7820 Denning Landseer GM 6v92tta6F9LSAF30KA001015 Denning 1328 3/89C48FT
Sold to Armidale Coaches (R Mingay), Armidale as m/o 7820 -/03, renumbered TV 300; then LTD Coaches, Southport, QLD as DTC 01 by 24/10/04; then Australian Day Tours, Brisbane as DTC 01, rereg 386 LDL; then to an unknown owner, WA as TV 6215 - still reg 12/16.
8TV 5475 BCI JXK6137 14.5mLSFC330808C005231 BCI Explorer 2/4/08C61F
Sold to Dimitry Ostrovsky t/as Sydney Transport Group, Waterloo as TV 9572 by 2/18.
8WWG 485 Mercedes-Benz O500RF-3WEB63416121000001 Coach Design 313 2/03C50DT
SA rego - First Mercedes-Benz O500RF 3 axle coach in Australia.
Sold to LC Dyson's Bus Services Pty Ltd, Bundoora, VIC as (295) WWG 485 by 4/04 (stationed at Darwin), then (VIC) 5976 AO, then (NT) m/o 2783 - later based at Bundoora.
9m/o 4641 MCA - Cummins L1078641 Austral Starliner 1265 10/86C53F
Sold to Snowy River Bus Lines (Florance), Orbost, VIC as DRT 465 by 1994; then to LC Dysons Bus Service Pty Ltd, Bundoora, VIC as (89) DRT 465; then to Mee's Bus Lines, Heidelberg Heights, VIC as (52) 2787 AO; then to Northland Coach & Travel (Northlander Pty Ltd), Grafton as MO 6350; then to B Sainty, Launceston, TAS as FJ 8684.
9TV 456 MCA - GM 6v92tta28895 MCA B029 3/88C49F
ex Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland (M17) TV 456 21/12/93; ex HZM 672.
Traded to Scania -/99 & sold to Kiewa Valley Coaches (G Wallace), Kergunyah, VIC as QTZ 628 6/01 (reseated to C57F), rereg 0723 AC; then to Ballarat Bus & Coach, Ballarat as 0723 AC -/07.
9TV 2575 Scania L94IBYS4L4X20001832590 Austral Pacific "Aspire" A057010 1/99C53F
Sold to P Millar, Kerang as 0336 AC (reg 14/6/03).
10m/o 5338 MCA - Cummins L10118651 Austral Starliner 1303 2/87C49FT
Sold by 1994 - Disposal unknown.
10TV 542 MCA - Cat 3208t588115 Austral 1486 9/88C30FT
ex Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland (?) TV 542 by 3/94.
Sold to Spectrum Coaches, Molendinar, QLD as 409 DSB c1996.
11m/o 4636 MCA - Cummins L10118642 Austral Starliner 1305 3/87C53F
Sold to Smith's Travel, South Riana, TAS as CR 3818 by 1994; then to Fords Shepparton Bus Services Pty Ltd, Shepparton, VIC as NHK 506, then 1864 AO; Subsequent disposal unknown.
11m/o 7154 Denning LandseerDL12179016687 Denning 1217 6/87C48FT
Dereg 24/10/14 & Stored as at 1/20. Advertised for sale on Facebook Marketplace 7/24. Removed from depot 9/24 & noted at the yard of Ritchie Bros Auctioneers, Braemar 1/10/24.
12m/o 7706 MCA - Cummins88780 MCA B018 9/87C53F
Sold to Downunder Coach Services, Thornbury, VIC as 1014 AC.
12TV 2637 Scania L94IBYS4L4X20001836597 P&D 171 6/00C65F
Sold to Southside Bus & Coach Pty Ltd, Blakehurst as TV 2637 14/7/14.
13m/o 8411 MAN SG192187.1237.1250 CAC 155 31/7/79AB71D
ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (548) BUS 548; ex ZIB 548.
Sold to Nowra Coaches Pty Ltd, South Nowra for parts -/95.
14TV 2925 Austral MD1 GMMD001003 Austral 1647 6/91C48FT
ex PYD 938 by 11/02.
Sold to SD & KA Cullen Pty Ltd, Wangaratta, VIC as 2075 AO; then Top End Escapes, Darwin, NT as "Ronnie" m/o 3035; Subsequent disposal unknown.
15TV 2922 Austral DC1226B9HRP00BLGAA8569 Austral Tourmaster 1625 8/90C53F
ex m/o 4918; ex Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae m/o 4918 by 12/94.
Sold to Mac's Coach Tours, Wynnum, QLD as (19) 436 LNK; then to Whites Coaches & Travel (N & B Enterprises Pty Ltd), Gatton as (NSW) TV 6437.
16TV 992 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WDB61823821081355 Austral Denning M002010 3/96C50FT
First reg 14/3/96.
Sold to Hopper Buses Pty Ltd t/a Chase Limousines, Pokolbin as TV 992 c2/19.
16MWA 244 Austral DC1221416 Austral Tourmaster B481 2/88C53F
Sold to M Williams t/a Transborder, Yass as MO 2128; then Port Stephens Coaches Pty Ltd, Anna Bay as MO 2128 7/94; then Palmer's Leisure Tours (AR & JP Palmer), Wyong as MO 2128 by 6/98; then Road Runner Tours Wyong Pty Ltd as MO 2128 1/03, then R Johnson, Oatlands, TAS as FJ 9930 -/07.
17TV 433 Denning Landseer GM 6v92ttaDL1110-794-85 Denning 1110 5/86RC48FT
ex Blue Ribbon Coaches, Maitland (148) TV 611 by 3/94.
Sold to Golden Wattle Travel Services Pty Ltd, Sydney as TV 433 -/06; then to GH & SE Scarlett, Bega as TV 4989 (refurbished to RC57F & repowered with a Cummins ISM motor).
18TV 1413 MCA 14.5m - GM s606F9301D05TB004304 MCA LAS 412 6/96C61DT
First reg 7/6/96.
Dereg 6/6/20. Advertised for sale 6/24.
19TV 2261 Mercedes-Benz O303-3WEB61823821085336 Austral Denning M023020 9/97C48FT
Sold to WBL Pty Ltd t/a Warragul Bus Lines (Dineen), Warragul, VIC 2/06; then to WRL Management Pty Ltd t/a Westernport Road Lines, Koo Wee Rup as (25) 5057 AO; Sold for conversion to a motorhome at Tamworth as AW33NE -/10.
20TV 2305 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WEB61823821085337 Austral Denning M023030 9/97C50FT
Sold to WBL Pty Ltd t/a Warragul Bus Lines (Dineen), Warragul, VIC as 2003 AO 2/06; then to McKenzie's Tourist Services (Dineen), Healesville as 5089 AO by 12/09.
22ZAZ 539 Scania K124EB 8x29BSK8X2BEY3513455 Coach Design 309 1/03C65FT
ex (SA) WVA 154.
Sold to Palmer's Coaches, Miles, QLD as (38) ZAZ 539 4/16 and rereg 369 WLP. Sold to G Dunn t/a Seacliff Coaches, Albion Park by 3/22 and reg TV 095A 21/4/22.
25TV 3394 Mercedes-Benz O303WDB60041561072752 Austral Denning C100350 2/94C48FT
ex (SA) WPK 576; ex TV 037; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (25) TV 037 3/01.
Dereg 18/9/20. Advertised for sale on Facebook Marketplace 5/24.
28TV 3391 Mercedes-Benz O303-3WDB60041561072840 Austral Denning Majestic C100360 2/94C48FT
ex (SA) WPK 575; ex TV 082; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd, Mascot (28) TV 3391 3/01; ex (SA) WPK 575; ex TV 082.
Sold to Good Az Gold Tours and Transfers, Windsor as TV 4699 by 3/09.
45TV 3162 Denning Landseer GM 6v92ttaDL1255-939-16-3-88 Denning 1255 3/88C48FT
ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (45) TV 3162 3/01; ex Australia Kakadu Tours, Darwin, NT m/o 178.
Sold to Douglas Coaches, Charters Towers, QLD as 246 GYR; then to Lifestyle Motorhomes, Hervey Bay for conversion to a motorhome by 7/14.
46TV 3164 Denning Landseer GM 6v92ttaDL1266-950-17-3-88 Denning 1266 3/88C46FT
ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (46) TV 3164 3/01; ex Australia Kakadu Tours, Darwin, NT m/o 177.
Sold to Underwood Bus Service, Bethania, QLD as 856 GZT; then to Robertson's Bus & Coach (GR Robertson), Toowoomba, QLD as 856 GZT.
51TV 3447 Mercedes-Benz O303WDB60041561072849 Austral Denning Majestic C100380 2/94C53F
ex C48FT; ex (SA) WOM 028; ex TV 192; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (51) TV 192 3/01.
Dereg 4/7/20. Advertised for sale 6/24.
60TV 3387 Mercedes-Benz O303-3WDB60041561073042 Austral Denning Majestic C100550 6/94C48FT
ex (SA) WPK 578; ex (VIC) FOM 749; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (60) FOM 749 3/01.
Dereg 18/9/19.
65TV 3449 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WDB61823821079115 Austral Denning CM01070 6/95C48FT
ex (SA) WOM 026; ex TV 144; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (65) TV 144 3/01.
Dereg 7/7/20.
66TV 3448 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WDB61823821079327 Austral Denning Majestic CM01060 6/95C48FT
ex (SA) WOM 027; ex TV 190; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (66) TV 190 3/01
Sold to Jones's Coachlines, Portland, VIC as 4981 AO 5/05; then to Sydney's Amazing Coach Tours Pty Ltd 12/14.
67TV 3446 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WDB61823821079479 Austral Denning CM01210 8/95C48FT
ex TV 044; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (67) TV 044 3/01.
Dereg 30/6/20.
84TV 2245 Denning D-Deck 16F9LBDE60MD001011 Denning B0032 6/91HC54/14DT
ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (84) TV 2245 3/01; ex (QLD) 820 BFL.
Sold to Moore's Tours (Trevor Moore), Hurstville as TV 2245 by 3/06. Dereg by 28/8/21 and rereg as TV 696A 26/5/22.
85TV 046 Denning Landseer DD6F9LBDE60MD001016 Denning B0037 11/91HC54/14DT
ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (85) TV 046 3/01.
Sold to Orana Coaches Pty Ltd t/a Langley's Coaches, Dubbo as TV 046 26/2/05; then to Hawkesford's International Pty Ltd, Enfield as TV 3910 by 3/07; then Revline Auto Tech Pty Ltd, Luddenham as TV 6571 via East Coast Truck Sales (dlr), Penrith late-2011; then to RM Alley t/a Alley's Coaches, Tamworth as TV 6571 4/15.
100TV 4643 Mercedes-Benz O30530700161022378 PMC 5487 7/80B43D
Formerly signwritten for the "Bus Works Karaoke Party Bus' ex Bus Works Central Coast TV 4643; ex STA Mk II 2452.
Dereg 7/5/16.
100OAV 216 Leyland Atlantean7300909 East Lancashire Coachworks (East Lancs) EL7214 7/73H43/30F
ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd, Mascot (100) OAV 216 3/01; ex AAT Kings Tours Pty Ltd, Botany (62) OAV 216 4/85; ex South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive, Sheffield UK, as (312) UWA312L (DB73D).
Sold to Blue Mountains Explorer Bus (Golden West Holdings Pty Ltd), Katoomba as (800) YNA 626 4/03, TV 4537, BD01HB, then TV 6165; Withdrawn around 11/11 & re-exported back to the UK for preservation 1/12, Displayed at Showbus 2012, Duxford, UK 16/9/12 with original rego UWA312L.
200TV 5028 Mercedes-Benz O30530700161008014 PMC 5239 8/79B43D
ex Transdev NSW Pty Ltd, Mt Kuring-gai (48) m/o 7507 by 6/08; ex STA Mk II 2204 3/02.
Dereg 31/3/16.
300TV 5029 Mercedes-Benz O30530700161018569 PMC 5265 9/79B43D
ex Transdev NSW Pty Ltd, Mt Kuring-gai, NSW (79) m/o 7766 by 6/08; ex Dunn's Charter Buses, Tingalpa, QLD 768 FAI -/02 (via Bus Stop Sales, Oxley, QLD); ex STA Mk II 2230 6/99.
Dereg 23/2/14 for sale & Sold to a Private Buyer, Western District, VIC by 4/14.
400TV 6646 Mercedes-Benz O30530700121007823 Coachworks Orana - -/99B49F
ex Hawkesford's International Pty Ltd, Enfield 5759 MO (dereg late-2011); ex Busways North Coast Pty Ltd, Wauchope (610) 5759 MO 2/6/11; ex MO 4775; ex AP & PJ King, King Bros Bus Service Pty Ltd (4) MO 4775 3/10/03; Rebody ex STA m/o 2168 (PMC 5203 6/79).
Dereg by 7/18.
B1TV 5760 Volvo B5815721 PMCSA 5822 3/81AB73FR
ex Hawkesford's Pleasure Charter Buses (Hawkesford's International Pty Ltd), Enfield (95) TV5760 10/09; ex m/o 7677 20/9/08; Reg 20/7/06 ex Torrens Transit, Adelaide, SA (1372) by 6/06.
Dereg 19/7/15 & sold for non-PSV at Raymond Terrace by 9/15.
B2TV 5600 Volvo B5815725 PMCSA 5826 4/81AB73FR
ex Hawkesford's Pleasure Charter Buses (Hawkesford's International Pty Ltd), Enfield u/r 10/09; ex Transitplus / Hills Transit, Adelaide, SA (941) WJP 671 by 6/06.
Dereg 5/11/14 for parts.
B3TV 7119 Renault PR180.2VF6PUC4A200000098 Ansair R2262 2/93AB69FR
Reg 25/2/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (983) BUS 983 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 2/1/13).
Rego expired 24/2/21.
B4TV 7064 Renault PR180.2VF6PUC4A200000103 Ansair R2267 6/93AB69FR
Reg 25/3/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (988) BUS 988 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 12/13).
Withdrawn for parts by 12/19.
B5TV 6066 Renault PR180.2VF6PUC4A200000104 Ansair R2268 6/93AB69FR
Reg 25/3/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (989) BUS 989 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 11/13); Delivered 25/6/93.
Dereg 24/3/20.
B6TV 6067 Renault PR180.2VF6PUC4A200000100 Ansair R2264 3/93AB69FR
Reg 2/4/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (985) BUS 985 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 9/13).
Dereg 1/4/20.
B7TV 7062 Renault PR180.2VF6PU04A200000024 Ansair R1857 8/88AB65FR
ex TV 3765 by 7/18; Reg 5/2/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (721) BUS 721 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 27/6/13).
Rego expired 24/8/21.
B8TV 3764 Renault PR180.2VF6PU04A200000009 Ansair R1523 3/88AB61FR
Reg 4/2/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (707) BUS 707 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 16/11/12).
Dereg 3/2/18.
B9TV 7118 Renault PR180.2VF6PU04A200000010 Ansair R1524 4/88AB61FR
Reg 20/2/14 ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (708) BUS 708 via Pickles Auctions, Fyshwick, ACT (withdrawn 1/13).
Dereg 19/2/18.
COTV 7992 Toyota Coaster HZB50RJT743PB5108004928 Toyota - -/99B21C
ex TV 5027 9/5/18; Reg 25/7/07.
Dereg 8/5/20.
-m/o 199 Denning Mono GM 6v71D193-74 Denning 503 12/74RC49F
Sold to Sunshine Coast Coaches, Maroochydore, QLD as SUN 13; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 208 Bedford YRT3CJ393139 Custom Coaches 74-421 3/75RB53F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co m/o 208.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 208 1/7/89.
-m/o 626 Bedford BLP2 (UF)BLP2DHJ622950 Domino 0418 1/79RB53F
Sold to DA & DM Yager, Coffs Harbour as MO 9695; then to R & B Haiser t/a Coffs Harbour Bus Lines, Coffs Harbour as (22) MO 9695; then to Bower, Latrobe, TAS as DR 2614 by 18/5/98; then to BF & HJ Woodcock, Kimberley as DR 2614; Sold by 2007.
-m/o 754 Albion Viking Vk55L51755C PMC 0904 12/76B52F
-m/o 761 IBC Mk II - Cat 3208t (UF)271077 Nambucca 12A 12/77RB61F
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Raymond Terrace as m/o 761 21/12/93; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 766 Leyland Leopard PSU3C/2R7601375 Custom Coaches 78-23 29/5/78RB57F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd, Bulahdelah m/o 766.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 766 1/7/89.
-m/o 4636 Domino GM 6v71C806-10-79 Domino 0499 8/79RC43F
Sold to Murray's Coaches, Red Hill, ACT as MO 208; then to Tamar Valley Coaches, Legana, TAS as DS 7759; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 4641 Bedford BLP2 (UF)BLP2DJ J647747 Domino 0470 6/79RB57F
Sold to Edwards Coaches Pty Ltd, Armidale as MO 9817; then to King's Bus Service Pty Ltd, Kempsey as (33) MO 4146; then to Stonestreet's Coaches, Toowoomba, QLD as 680 EMQ.
-m/o 4656 Mercedes-Benz OC1617355-098-65-160956 Austral 1296 2/87RC49F
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 4656 1/7/89; then to Nowra Coaches Pty Ltd, South Nowra as TV 1722 by 5/98; then transferred to associated operator Premier Illawarra as TV 1722 by 9/03 - renumbered 4749 MO 9/08; Dereg by 4/12 & sold to Cavbus Pty Ltd, Logan Village, QLD for parts by 6/12.
-m/o 4657 Albion Viking Vk4353437K Athol Hedges 4968 13/10/71C49F
ex m/o 5753.
-m/o 4659 Bedford SB391451-S PMC 130 12/9/63DP39F
Sold to Belvedere Bus Co, Mereweather as m/o 4659; then to Linsley Coach Service, Wallsend as m/o 4659; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 4918 Domino DC122B162 Domino Tourmaster B162 1/81RC53F
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 4918 1/7/89; Traded to JRA by 8/90 & Resold to ME O'Shea, Grafton as MO 1124; then to Calvary Coaches, Woombye, QLD by 1/95.
-m/o 4955 Hino RC320P - GM 6v5340234 Superior 6/71RC49F
Sold to Jacobi, Strathpine, QLD as 563 NSZ; then to Bribie Island Bus Service (Thornley), Bribie Island as 563 NSZ, rereg 760 BIP; Onsold to Williamson, Morayfield as 760 BIP.
-m/o 5049 Albon Viking Vk43L53432J Superior 10/70RC49F
"Sun Lander" ex BHV 895.
-m/o 5085 Bedford YMT3YMT3DJJ647756 PMC 1095 9/79RC49F
ex JAG (dlr).
Sold to Bramble Bay Coaches, Sandgate, QLD as 369 PIZ by 6/86; then to Cooper, Mirani as 369 PIZ; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 5086 Denning Mono GM 6v92tD678-343-78 Denning 678 24/5/78RC53F
ex TV 614.
Sold to Davis Coach Lines Pty Ltd, Ourimbah as NGZ 676 by 3/86, rereg DAVIS 1 by mid-1987; then to P & AM Doyle t/a Doyle's Coaches, Shepparton, VIC as DPH 947 by early-1990; then to Shepparton Transit Pty Ltd t/a Ohlin Coaches, Shepparton as DPH 947; then for a motorhome - later observed as fully converted motorhome reg (WA) 9KT820.
-m/o 5196 Bedford VAM5 Custom Coaches 66-361 31/1/67B49F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd m/o 5196.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 5196 1/7/89; Sold between mid-1990 and mid-1993.
-m/o 5294 Mercedes-Benz OC1617131127 Austral 1232 7/86RB61F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd, Bulahdelah MO 5680.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 5294 1/7/89; then to Nowra Coaches Pty Ltd, South Nowra as TV 946 by 5/98, then transferred to associated operator Premier Illawarra as TV 946 by 9/03 - renumbered 4779 MO 9/08 & withdrawn by 3/11.
-m/o 5428 Albion Viking Vk41L53025C Denning 117 21/3/66C41F
ex Redline Coaches (Rex Law), Brisbane, QLD (69) NYX 275 -/69.
Sold to Port Stephens Buses, Port Stephens as m/o 5428 -/72; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 5430 Albion Viking Vk43-505 Athol Hedges 4867 7/70C49F
Sold to Whitecars (T Battle), Atherton, QLD as (25) 157 NVG (converted to B53F).
-m/o 5435 Albion Viking Vk5551604D Custom Coaches 70-329 21/9/70B53F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd m/o 5435.
Still in fleet at 11/93 (HCVA fleet book); Sold.
-m/o 5507 Isuzu LT1-11P2511499 Austral Metroliner 1506 1/89B57F
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 5507 1/7/89; then to Whitsunday Transit, Cannonvale, QLD as (33) 823 EXN - Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 5507 Isuzu LT1-11P2511347 Austral Metroliner 1517 11/88B57F
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 7711 1/7/89; then to Genesis Tours & Charter, Victor Harbor as WPI 712; Noted for sale at Pickles Auctions 5/13 & noted in a paddock in South-East Melbourne 10/13.
-m/o 5750 Bedford VAM5 Athol Hedges 4661 9/67C45F
-m/o 5753 Albion Viking Vk55516 Superior 1/73RC49F
-m/o 5841 Bedford VAM70 Superior 10/68RC48F
Sold to Road Runner, Surfers Paradise, QLD as QFR 604; then to Gladstone Bus & Coach (Cox), Gladstone as QFR 604, rereg GBC 53; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 5842 Albion Viking Vk5583741D Athol Hedges 4969 28/10/71C49F
-m/o 5843 Domino GM 6v71B112 Domino 0465 10/78RC57F
Sold to Murray's Coaches, Red Hill, ACT as MO 46; then to Red & White Coaches, Sandgate, QLD as (8) 357 EHI by 2001 (converted to RB57F); Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 5861 Albion Viking Vk55-50551632C Custom Coaches 71-477 24/2/72RC49F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co m/o 5861.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 5861 1/7/89; Sold between mid-1990 and mid-1993.
-m/o 5865 Albion Viking Vk55-50551632H Custom Coaches 72-150 25/7/72RC52F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co m/o 5865.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 5865 1/7/89; Sold between mid-1990 and mid-1993.
-m/o 5987 Bedford VAM70 Superior 4/73RC45F
ex Thompson, Coonabarabran MO 5963 4/73.
-m/o 5990 Volvo B58-56 Custom Coaches 74-273 13/9/74RB57F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd, Bulahdelah m/o 5990.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 5990 1/7/89; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 7071 Denning Landseer HD GM 8v92ttaHDDL1263-947-9-2-88 Denning 1263 8/88C50FT
Sold to McCafferty's Coaches, Toowoomba, QLD as (204) 204 BWG; then to Greyhound Australia Pty Ltd, Eagle Farm as (204) m/o 2501 (NT); Resold to Tory's Tours, Maryborough, QLD as 112 JGO -/06 (converted to C53FT); then to Simes Bros Bus Service, Lismore as TV 5847; Withdrawn for refurbishment 11/10.
-m/o 7074 Denning Denair GM 6v92ttaDA915-599-82 Denning 915 6/82RC53F
Sold to The Beach Bus, Cairns, QLD as (11) 814 AIE; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 7152 Mercedes-Benz OC161735509861841245 Austral 0673 10/82C49F
ex King’s Bus Service Pty Ltd, Kempsey MO 8939.
-m/o 7247 Mercedes-Benz OC1617355-098-61-932555 Custom Coaches 84-55 6/84RC49F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd m/o 7247.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 7247 1/7/89; then to AR & JP Palmer, Wyong as (4) MO 0950 -/90, then MO 6330; Resold with runs to Busways, Wyong as (869) MO 6330 30/1/08; then to Valley Bus & Coach, Singleton as MO 6330 & renumbered 2463 MO; Sold for a motorhome in 2009.
-m/o 7355 Mercedes-Benz OC161735509864901139 PMC 1324 7/83B61F
ex m/o 4641.
Sold to Sunrunner, Kingston, QLD as 815 CJP; then to Brookers, Yatala as 815 CJP; then to Veolia Transport, Capabala as 815 CJP 27/11/06; Sold by 11/07.
-m/o 7355 Mercedes-Benz OC161735509864924748 Denning F010 11/7/84C49F
Sold to Storey, Bendigo, VIC as CVV 490, rereg FRX 141; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 7551 IBC Mk II - Cat 3208t (UF)050477 Nambucca 10A 6/77RDP61F
ex King's Bus Service Pty Ltd, Kempsey MO 7873.
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Raymond Terrace as m/o 7551 21/12/93; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-m/o 7581 Nissan CMA8602018 Nambucca 948 9/87B35F
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Raymond Terrace as m/o 7581 21/12/93; Onsold late-1994.
-m/o 7709 Isuzu LT1-11PJALLT111PG2511447 Austral 1503 11/88B57F
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland as (93) m/o 7709 21/12/92; then Blue Ribbon Bus Co Pty Ltd 2/00; then Hunter Valley Buses Pty Ltd 9/05 & renumbered 3632 MO.
-m/o 7710 Isuzu LT1-11PJALLT111PG2511448 Austral 1497 11/88B57F
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland as (94) m/o 7710 21/12/92; then Blue Ribbon Bus Co Pty Ltd 2/00; then Hunter Valley Buses Pty Ltd 9/05 & renumbered 3633 MO.
-m/o 7814 MCA - Cummins "C"6F9300004KB004147 MCA B067 -/89C48FT
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as m/o 7814 1/7/89, converted to C51F & renumbered m/o 8007 by late-1991; Sold to CJ & ME Macpherson, Tamworth as (36) MO 3130; then to Country Way Coaches (RC & J Newman), Gayndah, QLD as 653 GMA; then to Purser's Coaches, Murgon, QLD (879) 653 GMA; then to S Kelly, Ewingsdale, NSW as TV 6140; then to Gary Dunn t/a Seacliff Coaches, Albion Park as TV 6140 by 2014.
-MO 0901 Bedford VAM70607324 Custom Coaches 68-406 12/68B48F
ex m/o 5294; ex Bulahdelah Bus Co m/o 5294.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as MO 0901 1/7/89; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-MO 2503 Isuzu LT1-11PJALLT111PN3000029 Custom Coaches 310 93-56 6/93RB57F
Sold to G Newham Pty Ltd t/a Kingsgrove Bus & Coach (later Kingsgrove Bus Service Pty Ltd), Peakhurst as (3) MO 2503 1/2/04 & renumbered m/o 601 11/5/04; Sold for a motorhome 24/12/21.
-MO 2652 Mercedes-Benz OH1418WDB38200461962929 Newnham 310 93-154 10/93RB57F
Sold to Port Stephens Coaches Pty Ltd, Anna Bay as MO 2652 by 2001; then to Stone, Keith, SA (based at Bordertown) as (36) XLR 595.
-MO 2675 Hino RG197KJHDRG197KXXX40254 PMCA 160 2313 3/93B57F
Sold K & L Bradley, Murwillumbah as MO 2675 3/97; then SL Ward (Nobby's Creek Bus Service), Murwillumba as MO 2675 & renumbered 3049 MO; then J & B Buses (J & B Singh' Goesel), Eviron as (5) 3049 MO; then RB & KJ Morton, Wynyard, TAS as A 86 WY in 2009.
-MO 3672 Bedford YRT3 Custom Coaches 75-557 31/3/76RB57F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd MO 3672.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as MO 3672 1/7/89; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-MO 5724 Mercedes-Benz O302-2WDB30229220029310 Denning 612 6/76C49F
Sold to Rover Motors Pty Ltd, Cessnock as (28) MO 5724; Withdrawn by 2001.
-MO 8680 Bedford YRT3 CCMC 68-62 4/68RB57F
ex Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd MO 8680.
Sold to Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co. Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae as MO 8680 1/7/89; Dereg for sale by 2/93
-TV 614 Denning Denair 8v92DA1075-759-85 Denning 1075 5/85RC53F
Sold to Biloela Coaches, Biloela, QLD as MJH 74; then to Coastlands Coaches, Woombye as MJH 74 -/05; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-TV 687 Denning Denair 8v92DDA1035-719-84 Denning 1035 7/84RC49F
Sold to Blue Ribbon Holdings Pty Ltd, Maitland as (44) TV 687; then to Blue Ribbon Bus Co Pty Ltd 2/00 - Sold 12/02.
TV 3384 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WEB61823821084771 Austral Pacific Majestic M023010 8/97C48FT
ex (2) by 11/16; ex (SA) WPK 579; ex TV 2406; ex Australian Pacific Tours Pty Ltd (2) TV 2406 3/01.
Dereg by 7/18.
-LEH 604 Mercedes-Benz O30330120461021088 Ansair MB1348 5/81C49F
Sold to B Hoy, Harrietville, VIC as CNC 579; then to Thege Coaches, Ballarat, VIC as (15) CNC 579, rereg NDL 975; Subsequent disposal unknown.
-? Albion Viking Vk55 Athol Hedges 4970 29/10/71C49F
-? Denning Mono GM 6v71D214-75 Denning 527 6/75RC45F
Sold to Sunshine Coast Coaches, Maroochydore, QLD as (D8) SUN 10 (reseated to RB53F), then rereg SUN 02; Resold to Biloela Coaches, Biloela as 007 BIL; Sold by 2005.
?TV 477 Mercedes-Benz O404-3WDB61823821077144 Austral Denning Majestic CM00840 6/95C50FT
Sold to Roberts Luxury Tours / Van Kuyls Bus & Coach Charters (BL & KL Van Kuyl), Kelmscott, WA as TC 3570 -/01.
?TV 2313 Scania K113TR 8x2YS4KT8X2B01828442 Austral Pacific Majestic M041010 8/98C61FT
Sold to Challenge Coachlines Pty Ltd, Moorebank as TV 2313 10/02; then to Hopkinsons Transport Pty Ltd, Smithfield as TV 2313, then (SA) WXX 118, then TV 331; resold to Premier Motor Service (Nowra Coaches Pty Ltd), South Nowra as TV 6824 20/2/12.
?TV 7060 Renault PR100.3VF6PS08A200000526 Austral Denning D603250 6/93B49D
ex ACTION, Canberra, ACT (991) BUS 991 (withdrawn 12/16) by 2018.
Dereg 24/8/23.
?AP 0106 Autobus 6x2 14.5m6F9P05000W2UX7002 Autobus 132 1/5/98C64F
ex Australian Panoramic Travel Pty Ltd, Alexandria (106) AP 0106 28/2/05; ex Busways North Coast Pty Ltd, Heatherbrae (490) TV 2307 2/7/04; ex AP & PJ King, King Bros Bus Service Taree Pty Ltd (104) TV 2307 10/03; ex Great Lakes Coaches (Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd), Heatherbrae TV 2307 1/02.
Sold to Forster Bus Service Pty Ltd, Forster as (9) MO 6289 by 2/06, renumbered 1019 MO; Resold to Newcombe Coach Lines Pty Ltd, Coffs Harbour as 1019 MO 11/10; then to Phil Dunn's Tours, Belmont, QLD as 364 TLL 11/13.
?AP 0108 Scania K124EBYS4K6X20001835109 Autobus 225 6/00C60FT
ex Australian Panoramic Travel Pty Ltd, Alexandria (108) AP 0108 28/2/05; ex Clipper Tours Australia Pty Ltd, Mascot (16) TV 2904 -/04.
Sold to Coach Charter Specialists (Coach and Event Specialists Pty Ltd), Alexandria as TV 3020 by 9/06; then to Damnjan Cvetkovic t/a Condor Tours, Marrickville as TV 3020 by 2/17.
No of withdrawn buses listed = 134

© 2008 to 2015. If you have information you wish to contribute to these fleet lists, please contact NSW Moderators