Sid Fogg's Coachlines - Fullerton Cove

The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Sid Fogg's Coachlines - Fullerton Cove.

Operator Information   Full Fleet List   Disposal List

Accreditation: Sid Fogg & Sons Pty Ltd, Acc No. 10220, Newcastle
Depot Address/s: RMB 2324 Main Road, Fullerton Cove, 2318

The Fogg name is synonymous with the Hunter region bus industry. For a general history of the Fogg's involvement in various Newcastle bus companies (starting with Amos Fogg's Motor Service in the early-1920's), see the Blue Ribbon fleet list.. For specific information regarding the development of the services to the north of Newcastle that would come under the banner of Great Lakes Coaches, see the Great Lakes Coaches fleet list.

The Newcastle to Dubbo service has its origins in a service that commenced on 5 July 1988 operating between Newcastle and Mudgee via Gulgong every Tuesday and Thursday.

Sid Fogg & Sons Pty Ltd split two ways on 1 July 1989. Phillip Fogg acquired the Bulahdelah Bus Co Pty Ltd services with approximately 16 vehicles to establish Great Lakes Coaches at Motto Farm. G (Graham) & K Hapgood purchased the trading name and company Sid Fogg & Sons Pty Ltd, along with the Stockton bus service, the Newcastle to Dubbo coach service and general coach charter.

Sid Fogg & Sons Pty Ltd took over the majority of tourist services from the Blue Ribbon group by March 1994 with seven coaches: 4x Dennings, 2x MCAs and an Austral. The fleet as at 8/94 consisted of 18 vehicles:-
(1) TV 454 Austral HD1
(2) m/o 5083 Austral Tourmaster
(3) m/o 7556 Denning Landseer
(4) TV 1164 Austral MD1
(5) m/o 7812 MCA - Cummins L10
(6) MO 1927 Austral Allstar
(7) TV 1539 Austral Tourmaster
(8) m/o 7820 Denning Landseer
(9) TV 456 MCA - GM 6v92t
(10) TV 542 MCA - GM 6v92t
(11) m/o 7154 Denning Landseer
(12) m/o 7706 MCA - Cummins
(13) m/o 8411 SG192
(14) PYD 938 Austral MD1
(17) TV 433 Denning Landseer
(-) MO 2675 Hino RG197K
(-) MO 2503 Isuzu LT1-11P
(-) MO 2652 Mercedes-Benz OH1418

In 2001, Sid Fogg's, Dyson's and Cobb & Co joined forces to takeover all of Australian Pacific Tours coach (and associated) assets in Australia. Each company held equal shares in Australian Pacific Management, the new group formed to take APT over. This gave Sid Fogg's the exclusive rights for APT work in NSW, QLD and services between Sydney and Darwin. Fifteen coaches (possibly sixteen if the Leyland Atlantean double decker was included in the sale) were taken over in March 2001. All coaches retained their APT fleet number, leading to some double ups with vehicles in the existing Sid Fogg's fleet numbering system. A large number of vehicles in the fleet were advertised for sale in 2006 in relation to Sid Fogg's no longer providing coaches to APT.

The Deane family's Australian Panoramic Coaches (formerly known as Clipper Tours) was acquired 28 February 2005 with two coaches (AP 0106 & AP 0108), which were quickly resold back to the Deane family for their Forster Bus Service operation.

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