Sid Fogg's Coachlines - Fullerton Cove
The following list is of known buses both current and those previously operated by Sid Fogg's Coachlines - Fullerton Cove.
Advertising Fleet | Full Fleet List Operator Information Disposal List |
Bus | Registration | Depot | Chassis/Body | Advertising |
1 | TV 8659 |
BCI FBC6127CRZ3/BCI "Cruiser 12" | Helloworld Jesmond | |
4 | TV 9452 |
Scania K400EB/Irizar i6S | Newcastle Knights | |
5 | TV 8534 |
Scania K400IB/Irizar i6 | Newcastle Jets | |
11 | TV 5772 |
Scania K440IB/Irizar i6 | Sid Foggs 60 Years Special | |
12 | TV 009B |
Volvo B11R/Irizar i6S | Hunter Wildfires | |
15 | TV 6848 |
Scania K440EB/Irizar i6 | Newcastle Knights |
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