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[ACTION] Route 55 City-Gungahlin

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 5:00 pm
by BroadGauge
Route 55 commences in 1 weeks time on the 28th of August (next Monday). Online timetable & route map is at:

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:53 pm
by Busnerd
Even though everybody knows this, I just never really printed any and hence couldn't be F****D but if you want an action timetable, just print the PDF file and simply fold it and it is the same as a normal one, except that it is glued together on paper and in black and white, but it's good if you need one quickly and don't want to have paper everywhere, but really, the only practical use is for interstate peoples wanting to print some before they come, or like the use I discovered yesterday, printing a 55 timetable (seeing as ACTION can't be bothered to) now I have one all glued together and folded in my wad of Gungahlin timetables :lol: